Qiong Cooking Time required : 12minutes
Chocolate chip cookie|coris cooking's recipe transcription
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- (A) Cake flour : 6 tbsp
- (A)きび砂糖 : 大さじ2
- (A)ベーキングパウダー : 小さじ1/2
- 無塩バター : 30g
- (B)チョコチップ : 20g
- (B)生クルミダイス : 20g
- (B)牛乳 : 大さじ1
Time required
Make dough
Put (A) in a plastic bag and twist the plastic bag to close the mouth.
Shake the plastic bag and mix to let in air.
Put unsalted butter in a bowl and heat in a microwave at 500W for about 1 minute to melt.
Put the melted butter in a plastic bag.
Twist the plastic bag to close the mouth and shake to make the dough into a large rag.
Put (B), twist the plastic bag, close the mouth, shake and mix to make a unit.
Press from the top of the plastic bag about 20 times and knead. -
Mold the dough
Sprinkle baking powder (not included in the amount) on the top plate on which the cooking sheet is placed.
Lightly take a heap of dough with a teaspoon of a measuring spoon and place it on the top plate.
Shape the dough by hand.
Press the center of the dough with your finger to make it dent. -
Bake in the oven at 170 degrees for about 13-14 minutes.
-Cookies that can be easily made by simply putting them in a plastic bag and mixing them.
・ Approximately 11 cookies are completed.
-Preheat the oven to 170 degrees.
・ When weighing the cake flour in step 1, make sure that the measuring spoon is clean.
・ Millet sugar may be replaced with other sugars such as white sugar and granulated sugar.
・ When putting (A) in step 1 and shaking the plastic bag, if the sugar has hardened, knead the sugar and crush it.
・ It has a fragrant and authentic taste, and the accent of walnut dice and chocolate chips is good.
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