Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 60minutes
Tsukune green pepper|Takeshi Takeshima's extreme rice / Kiwami-Meshi's recipe transcription
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- Chicken thigh : 1 sheet
- 玉ねぎ : 1/2個
- 長ねぎ : 1/4本
- ピーマン : 5個くらい
- (A) Beaten egg : 1/2個
- (A)塩 : 少々
- (A)砂糖 : 大さじ1/2
- (A)しょうゆ : 大さじ1
- (A)みりん : 大さじ1
- (A)こしょう : 少々
- (A)マヨネーズ : 大さじ1
- (A)片栗粉 : 1-3 tbsp
- (B) Mirin : 60cc
- (B) Soy sauce : 60cc
- (B) Sugar : 15g
Time required
Wash the peppers with water.
Cut in half with a knife and remove the core and seeds.
Cut the green onions into small pieces.
Cut the onion in half, peel and grate, leaving the core.
After grated, squeeze the onions by hand and put them in a bowl.
Remove the skin from the chicken thighs, chop them, put them in a food processor, and put them in a bowl of onions. -
Add (A) to the bowl containing the onions and chicken thighs from 1 and mix by hand.
Keep it in the refrigerator. -
Make sauce
Put (B) in a pan and bring to a boil over high heat.
When it boils, reduce the heat to low and simmer for about 5 minutes. -
Put an appropriate amount of dashi kelp (outside the amount) and 1 liter of water (outside the amount) in a pan, heat over low medium heat, and take out the dashi kelp just before boiling.
Add a little sake (outside the amount) and roll the seeds of 2 into bite-sized pieces with a spoon.
When the heat goes through, the meat will float, so raise it to the bat.
For the remaining boiled juice, add the same amount of salt and pepper, mirin, and light soy sauce, and add 1 long onion to make chicken soup. -
・ If the peppers are soft, soaking them in water will absorb the water and make them fresh. Soaking in water for about 2 days will relieve the bitterness.
・ If you prefer the texture of onions, you can chop them into small pieces.
・ When squeezing the water onions, you may squeeze them with a cloth or gauze.
・ If you don't have a food processor, you can chop chicken thighs into small pieces.
・ By adding mayonnaise to the bottom of the meat sauce, it will be softened.
・ Adjust the firmness of the meat with potato starch.
・ You may add your favorite ingredients (lotus root, cartilage, cheese, perilla) in step 2.
・ Make mirin, soy sauce, and sugar in a ratio of 4: 4: 1. This time, I used sardine sugar because I wanted a fragrance.
・ By boiling the sauce, the concentration increases and the taste is concentrated. It can also be used for sauce such as kabayaki.
・ The removed chicken thigh skin is delicious even if you bake it in a frying pan and sprinkle it with the sauce you made.
・ Put the seeds rolled in step 4 into a pan together with a spoon, leave it for a few seconds, and then use another spoon to scrape it off.
・ It is delicious to put meat sauce on egg yolk and eat it with peppers.
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