kattyanneru Time required : 30minutes
Takano tofu oyakodon | Aoi's school lunch room / Recipe transcription of magic recipes to eat with children
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- Rice : 1.5 to 2 go
- 高野豆腐 : 30g
- 鶏もも肉(皮なし) : 100g
- にんじん : 5 cm (50 g)
- 玉ねぎ : 1/3個
- 油 : 大さじ1/2
- (A) Sugar : 大さじ1
- (A) Soy sauce : 大さじ2/3
- (A) Salt : 少々
- だし汁 : 200cc
- 卵 : 2個
- グリーンピース : 大さじ1
Time required
Cut the ingredients
Rehydrate Koya tofu with lukewarm water.
Cut the carrots into ginkgo, core the onions and slice them in half length.
Cut chicken thighs into 1 cm squares with scissors.
Drain the returned Koya tofu and cut into 1 cm squares. -
Boil the ingredients
Put oil in a pan and heat it.
Add carrots and onions and fry on medium heat for 5 minutes, then add chicken thighs and fry.
Add soup stock, Koya tofu, and seasoning (A), and simmer on low heat for 10 minutes. -
Add beaten egg and green peas and cook well.
Serve on rice and complete.
・ Amount for 2 adults and 1 child over 3 years old.
・ Chicken thighs with skin may be used.
・ You can use either frozen or canned green peas.
・ Stir-fry onions and carrots to make them delicious.
・ Cook the eggs well.
・ The nutritional value of Koya-dofu is higher than that of chicken alone.
Cooking Time required : 20minutes
Les sens ciel Time required : 90minutes
No waste! Makanai Dojo (MAKANAI DOUJYOU) Time required : 10minutes
Kottaso Recipe [Kottaso Recipe] Time required : 80minutes
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