Aoi's cafeteria in Okinawa Time required : 15minutes
Egg Nyumen|Dare Uma [Cooking Researcher]'s Recipe Transcript
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- (A) Water : 450ml
- (A)めんつゆ : 大さじ2と1/2
- そうめん : 100g(2束)
- 水溶き片栗粉 : 適量
- 卵 : 1個
- ごま油 : 大さじ1/2
- ブラックペッパー : 適量
- ラー油 : 適量
Time required
make soup
Put (A) in a pot.
Bring to a boil. -
prepare the eggs
Crack the eggs into the container.
Mix the egg without cutting it too much. -
boil somen noodles
Put somen in 1.
Add water-soluble potato starch.
20 seconds before the somen boil time, add 2 little by little and mix.
Turn off the heat when the eggs harden. -
Place 3 in a bowl.
Finished with sesame oil, black pepper and chili oil.
・We use 3 times concentrated mentsuyu.
・Dissolve katakuriko dissolved in water in the same amount of water as 1 tablespoon of katakuriko.
・In addition to eggs, you can add chopped green onions, thinly sliced shiitake mushrooms, cloud ear mushrooms, boiled onions and carrots.
・Be careful not to add too much mentsuyu, as the saltiness of the somen noodles will melt into the tsuyu and make it spicy.
・If you like, add 1/2 tablespoon of vinegar to (A) to make the soup more delicious and the somen noodles to be chewier.
・During step 2, if you cut the egg and mix it, the finish will be poor.
・In step 3, by boiling the somen noodles in the sauce instead of boiling them separately, the time can be shortened and the flavor will permeate into the somen noodles.
・In step 3, by adding the water-soluble potato starch immediately after adding the somen, the temperature of the soup will drop and the soup will not be lumpy and will be finished beautifully.
・In step 3, add the beaten egg while the mixture is still boiling so that it hardens immediately and does not become cloudy.
・If you eat it with vinegar, it will be like sanratan, and it will be more delicious.
・It is best to eat immediately after it is ready.
Cooking Time required : 40minutes
Kukipapa cooking class Time required : 20minutes
あさごはんチャンネル Time required : 10minutes
Cooking classes that are in tune with the lifestyles of chef Sakura Time required : 20minutes
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