Cooking Time required : 5minutes
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Hello, I'm the master of Keisei Tateishi's ramen shop (Kenken porridge) in Katsushika Ward, commonly known as [Kenken]. !! I'm posting dishes that can be easily made with familiar ingredients. I am researching useful tricks and interesting arrangements. Although I sometimes make mistakes, I aim to create a bright and fun program together with everyone who is watching. I will continue to do my best, so I look forward to working with you.
I started Twitter and my daughter manager 🍜
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Cooking Time required : 15minutes
Cooking Time required : 10minutes
Cooking Time required : 3minutes
Cooking Time required : 8minutes
Cooking Time required : 8minutes
Cooking Time required : 10minutes
Cooking Time required : 7minutes
Cooking Time required : 6minutes
Cooking Time required : 6minutes
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