40kg Oatmeal Rice Diet Recipe [Korezo] Time required : 10minutes
Black tea almond cake |Transcription of cook kafemaru's recipe
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- egg white : 80g
- きび砂糖 : 40g
- はちみつ : 25g
- 製菓用太白ごま油 : 35g
- (A)アーモンドプードル : 40g
- (A)薄力粉 : 30g
- (A)ベーキングパウダー : 2g
- アールグレイ茶葉 : 4g
Time required
make the dough
Put the egg whites in a bowl and mix with a whisk.
Add granulated sugar and mix.
Add honey and mix.
Mix while adding Taihaku sesame oil for confectionery.
Once the granulated sugar has dissolved, sift (A) into the bowl.
Add Earl Gray tea leaves and mix.
Switch to a rubber spatula and mix. -
bake the dough
Pour 1 into a mold lined with a cooking sheet.
Bake in the oven for 22 minutes at 180 degrees. -
Remove 2 from the mold and place it on a cake cooler to cool for about 30 minutes.
Remove the cookie sheet.
Cover with plastic wrap.
Let stand overnight at room temperature.
Remove from plastic wrap and cut into thick 2 cm wide strips to complete.
・Bring the egg whites to room temperature.
・Cane sugar can be replaced with granulated sugar.
・Rice oil may be substituted for Taihaku sesame oil for confectionery.
- Always use Earl Gray tea leaves.
・Use a 18cm x 8cm pound mold.
・In the process of 3, wrap with plastic wrap at a temperature where the heat has been removed.
・The time required does not include the time spent overnight at room temperature.
あさごはんチャンネル Time required : 7minutes
Qiong Cooking Time required : 15minutes
Shinpei Kurihara "Feast Channel" Time required : 10minutes
Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 45minutes
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