A challenge to sprinkle! Time required : 25minutes
肉吸い|こっタソの自由気ままに【Kottaso Recipe】さんのレシピ書き起こし
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- cut of beef : 700g
- 味ネギ : 1束
- 絹ごし豆腐 : 2丁
- 海鮮だし : 2パック
- 白だし(10倍濃縮) : 180cc
- みりん : 大さじ5
- 水 : 2L
- 卵 : 3個
- 七味唐辛子 : 適量
Time required
make preparations
Put water and dashi pack in a pot and put it on the fire.
Cut the tofu into 12 even pieces.
Roughly chop the green onions (for stewing) and finely chop (for serving). -
Put the shiro-dashi in a pan, and when it boils, take out the dashi pack.
After adding the beef, bring it to a boil and remove the lye.
After adding the mirin, reduce the heat to medium-low and add the tofu.
Cover and simmer for 5 minutes.
Add the green onion.
Pour the beaten egg over the whole and set aside.
Lightly mix the whole. -
Put it in a bowl and sprinkle green onions and shichimi pepper to complete.
・Japanese-style dashi is acceptable.
・The tofu should be large.
・Reserve the tips and roots of the green onions for stewing.
・If you want to make a lot of ingredients, add your favorite ingredients.
・Adjust the shirodashi (white dashi) while checking the taste.
・The soup stock before adding the ingredients should be thick.
・Remove the lye before adding the tofu.
・If you don't remove the lye, it will have a miscellaneous taste.
・After adding green onions, check the taste and adjust accordingly.
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