Koh Kentetsu Kitchen [Cooking expert Koh Kentetsu official channel] Time required : 10minutes
ピザ(白いピザ)|table diary 식탁일기さんのレシピ書き起こし
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- strong flour : 210g
- (A)水 : 125g
- (A)イースト : 2g
- (A)塩 : 4g
- (A)砂糖 : 3g
- (A)オリーブオイル : 大さじ1(6g)
- (B)牛乳 : 85g
- (B)ホイップクリーム : 85g
- (B)にんにく(みじん切り) : 50g
- パルメザンチーズ : 25g
- 塩 : 1g
- モツァレラチーズ : 適量
- 卵(塗り用) : 1個
- 水(塗り用) : 大さじ1
Time required
ferment the dough
Put (A) in a bowl and mix well.
Add strong flour and mix until the powdery feeling disappears.
Knead the dough with your hands for 10 minutes.
After wrapping, place in a warm place and ferment for 1 hour. -
make white sauce
Put (B) in a pot and mix over medium-low heat.
Once boiling, simmer for another 10 minutes.
Add cheese and mix.
Add salt and mix. -
shape the dough
After taking out the dough, press it down to remove the air inside.
Divide in half and shape into circles.
Wrap and leave for 15 minutes.
Sprinkle the cutting board and dough with flour (not listed) and spread the dough out into a circle. -
Place the sheet on the iron plate and pierce the surface with a fork to make holes.
Apply white sauce.
Sprinkle cheese all over.
Lightly soak the bottom with water (not listed).
Roll out the remaining dough to cover and seal.
Mix egg and water and spread on the surface. -
Make a small cut in the center and bake in the oven (200 degrees) for 20 minutes.
Take it out and cut it up and you're done.
・By fermenting, the dough will double in volume.
・Put (B) in the pot and mix so that it does not stick.
・By adding cheese to the white sauce, the richness comes out.
・Spread the dough out to a size of about 23 cm.
・Punch holes in the dough to prevent it from puffing up.
・Apply the sauce so that the edge of the dough remains about 1 cm.
・Adjust the amount of cheese to your liking.
・Put the batter on top and press the edge to seal.
・Eating it with honey makes it more delicious.
・Fermentation, stewing, and baking time are not included in the required time.
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Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 10minutes
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Low-carb restaurant / masa Time required : 25minutes
Ken Outdoor Cooking Time required : 15minutes
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