No waste! Makanai Dojo (MAKANAI DOUJYOU) Time required : 15minutes
サラダ(ブロッコリーのツナマヨサラダ)|Koh Kentetsu Kitchen【料理研究家コウケンテツ公式チャンネル】さんのレシピ書き起こし
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- broccoli : 1 share
- オリーブオイル : 大さじ1
- 塩 : 少々
- ツナ缶 : 小1缶
- マヨネーズ : 大さじ2〜3
- 玉ねぎのみじん切り : 大さじ2
- 醤油 : 大さじ1/2
- 粗挽き胡椒 : 適量
Time required
Prepare the broccoli
Rotate the broccoli and cut the stalks.
Make a cut in the stalk and separate it by hand.
Divide into bite-sized pieces.
Peel the broccoli stems with a peeler.
Slice it diagonally.
Wash with water. -
heat up
Put 1 in a frying pan with moisture.
Add olive oil and salt.
Cover and heat over medium heat.
When you hear a sound, reduce the heat to medium-low and steam for about 5 minutes.
Shake the frying pan in between.
Add canned tuna and stir fry.
Turn off the heat and add mayonnaise and mix.
Add chopped onion and mix.
Add soy sauce and mix. -
Place 2 on a plate.
Finished with coarsely ground pepper.
・Use canned tuna soaked in oil or boiled in water.
・When peeling the broccoli stems with a peeler in step 1, peel until the soft part comes out.
・During step 1, use a peeler to peel off the stems of the broccoli because a kitchen knife will shave too much.
・By steaming with minimal amount of water and olive oil, the flavor of broccoli is condensed.
・In step 2, add more heating time if it is hard to eat after steaming.
・Use canned tuna after draining the juice from the can.
・If mayonnaise is added while the flame is on, it will separate.
・Adjust the amount of mayonnaise to your liking.
・If you are concerned about the spiciness of finely chopped onions, soak them in water before using.
・You may arrange it for pasta and sandwiches.
Round kitchen Time required : 5minutes
あさごはんチャンネル Time required : 5minutes
Cooking expert Ryuji's buzz recipe Time required : 10minutes
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