coris cooking Time required : 60minutes
Colorful vegetable jelly gathering | Recipe blog's recipe transcription
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- 6P cheese : 1-2 pieces
- Petit tomatoes : 6-8 pieces
- Okra : 5-6
- Liquor : a little
- salt : a little
- Peeled shrimp : 9-12 pieces
- Dashi soup : 270ml
- It's white : 1 tablespoon
- Liquor : 2 tsp
- sweet sake : 1 tsp
- Powdered gelatin : 2 tsp
- Boiled green soybeans : 12-15 pods
- Corn can : 2 tablespoons
Time required
Cut the material
Cut 6P cheese, petit tomatoes, and okra into small pieces.
Prepare the ingredients
Add sake and salt to the pot, bring to a boil, and add the peeled shrimp. Boil for 2 to 3 minutes, then put it in a colander and let it cool.
Combine seasonings
Add soup stock, white soup stock, sake, and mirin to a pan, heat to about 80 degrees, and turn off the heat. In addition, add powdered gelatin and stir well to save the rough heat.
Serve in a bowl
Arrange the cut ingredients in a large transparent cup in a colorful manner. Arrange the boiled green soybeans and corn cans in the same way. Add the soup stock to it and cool it in the refrigerator until it hardens.
・ If you can't get summer vegetables, you can substitute seasonal vegetables and arrange them.
・ If you don't have a transparent container or container, take out the contents on a plate and enjoy the appearance at the same time.
・ Add gelatin, mix well, wait until the heat is removed, and put it in the refrigerator.
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