Cooking expert Ryuji's buzz recipe Time required : 10minutes
トースト(切り餅フレンチトースト)|Oyatsu Lab. [おやつラボ]さんのレシピ書き起こし
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- 436本
- Kirimochi : 2 (100g)
- 牛乳 : 90g
- グラニュー糖 : 小さじ2
- 卵 : 2個
- バター : 10g
- フルーツ : 適量
- ホイップクリーム : 適量
- powdered sugar : 適量
Time required
make the dough
Put the kirimochi, milk and granulated sugar in a bowl.
Cover with plastic wrap and heat in a 600W microwave oven for 4 minutes.
Mix with a rubber spatula.
Add eggs and mix. -
Put butter in an egg pan and heat it over medium heat.
Turn off the heat when the butter melts.
Pour in the dough.
Thin the center of the dough and thicken the edges.
Cover with aluminum foil and bake on low heat for 5 minutes.
When the center of the dough is soft-boiled, fold it in half with a spatula. -
Place 2 on a plate.
Add fruit and whipped cream.
Finished with powdered sugar.
・In step 1, after heating in the microwave, mix the dough until it reaches a temperature that you can touch with your hands.
・In the video, the tamagoyaki is cooked in an egg pan, but you can also use a regular frying pan.
・You can eat it with honey if you like.
・Use your favorite fruits.
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