KAZUAKI EGUCHI / チョコレートのプロ:ショコラティエ Chocolate Time required : 7minutes
煮物(黒豆煮)|料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単レシピ / Yukari's Kitchenさんのレシピ書き起こし
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- Black bean : 200g
- ザラメ : 180g
- 醤油 : 小さじ1
- 塩 : 小さじ1
- 重曹 : 小さじ1
- 水 : 1L
- 南部鉄器 : 1個
Time required
return the beans
Wash black beans.
Add water and granulated sugar to a pot and bring to a boil over medium heat while stirring.
Turn off the heat, add salt, soy sauce, baking soda, and black soybeans, and mix.
Enter the Nambu ironware.
When cool, cover and refrigerate for 12 hours. -
Bring 1 to a boil over medium heat.
Reduce the heat to low and remove the foam.
Add water (not listed).
Reduce heat to medium-low and bring to a boil.
take the dung
Add water (not listed) and bring to a boil.
Lower the heat and remove the scum.
Reduce the heat to extremely low, cover with a drop lid, cover and simmer for about 3 hours.
When the beans become soft, turn off the heat and take out the Nanbu ironware.
Open the lid a little and let it cool.
Finished on a plate.
・Using granulated sugar adds depth and richness to the sweetness. If you don't have it, you can substitute with granulated sugar.
・By rehydrating black soybeans in hot broth, the skin will not tear easily.
・Using baking soda softens the beans.
・It is good to use 100 ml of water at a time.
・When the black soybeans are simmering and the broth is reduced, add water so that the beans are submerged.
・By adding Nambu ironware, the color becomes deeper. If you don't put it in, it will look a little brown.
Low-carb restaurant / masa Time required : 20minutes
Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 15minutes
あさごはんチャンネル Time required : 20minutes
Cooking Time required : 15minutes
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