Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 25minutes
Tart (apple tart) | Yu sweets researcher's recipe transcription
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- リンゴ : 1個
- 砂糖(リンゴのコンポート用) : 40g
- カスタードプリン : 約150g
- (A)砂糖(カスタードクリーム用) : 小さじ1
- (A)薄力粉 : 小さじ1
- ビスケット : 約100g
- バター : 40g
- 牛乳 : 大さじ3
Time required
Wash apples well.
Cut into quarters and remove the core.
Cut the quartered apples crosswise.
Put apples and sugar (for apple compote) in a heat-resistant container and mix well.
Leave for 10 to 20 minutes. -
Put the custard pudding in a heat-resistant container and mix with a whisk until smooth.
Add (A) and mix well.
Heat in a 500W microwave for 30 to 40 seconds.
Heat in a 200W microwave for 1 minute at a time until the custard cream is soft.
Let cool and put in a squeeze bag. -
Wrap the container prepared in step 1 and heat it in a 500W microwave oven for about 2 minutes 3 times.
After heating for 2 minutes, mix the apples.
After 3 sets, turn the apple skin up and leave it to pickle until it cools down. -
make tart dough
Melt the butter in the microwave until liquid.
Put the biscuits in a bag and crush them finely.
Place the biscuits and butter in a heat-resistant container and mix.
Add milk until the tart dough comes together and mix well.
Put the dough into the tart mold and cover with plastic wrap.
Press the plastic wrap onto the mold to form a shape.
Place in the toaster and bake at 200 degrees (1000W) for 15 to 20 minutes.
Remove from toaster and cool until rough heat is removed. -
Remove 4 from the container.
Place 2 on 4 and place 3 on top to complete.
・In step 1, if you mix until the apple nectar comes out, the taste will condense.
・The custard cream becomes smoother once it is filtered.
・Use biscuits that do not contain butter.
・If you don't have a tart mold, you can use a cocotte or a heat-resistant container.
・When the surface of the tart crust is browned to your liking, cover with aluminum foil and bake.
・The cooking time does not include the time for soaking or cooling.
HidaMari Cooking Time required : 50minutes
Kuma's limit cafeteria Time required : 20minutes
Hotel de Mikuni Time required : 15minutes
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