Tenu Kitchen Time required : 5minutes
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- Chicken thigh : 600g
- (A) Soy sauce : 大さじ3
- (A) Liquor : 大さじ2
- (A) sugar : 小さじ2
- (A) Umami seasoning : 小さじ1/2
- (A) salt : ひとつまみ
- (A) grated ginger : 45g
- (A) Katakuriko (for thin coat) : 大さじ3
- Potato starch (for texture) : 大さじ2
Time required
Remove the bones and cartilage from the chicken thighs, cut off the tendons with the tip of the knife, and cut them to the same size.
Place a piece of kitchen paper on a cutting board, place the cut chicken thighs on top, cover with another piece of kitchen paper, press down to remove moisture, and leave for 10 minutes. -
Rub in the pickled sauce
Combine (A) in a bowl and mix well.
Add oil (not listed) to a pan and heat over low heat.
Add 1 and rub it in firmly. When the sauce is entwined and it doesn't stick to the bottom, add potato starch (for texture) and rub it in again until it becomes sticky. -
Arrange 2 on a cutting board so that they are wrapped in skin.
Turn the heat to medium and when the temperature rises to 170 degrees, add the chicken thighs and fry for about 4 and a half minutes.
After about 1 minute, use tongs to separate the fried chicken pieces.
When there are 2 minutes remaining, lift the dough out of the oil for 5 seconds and repeat frying one by one. -
・Ingredients are for 3 to 4 people.
・In the video, sugar is cane sugar, sake is unsalted, and vinegar is rice vinegar.
・Umami seasoning is more delicious, but it is not necessary.
・If you cut the chicken thigh too small, it will lose its juiciness, so be careful.
・If you prefer a light flavor, you can omit the salt from the pickled sauce.
・It is recommended to use ginger that is not a tube.
・Adding potato starch separately improves the texture.
・If the chicken is cold, the temperature of the oil will drop and it will take longer to heat, so leave it for 10 minutes to fry after returning it to room temperature.
・In order to make the batter chewy and crispy, it is good to wrap the skin around the meat before frying.
・When frying, if you fry them all at once, the temperature will drop.
・The ideal oil temperature for frying is 150 to 160 degrees, so measure the heat from time to time and adjust the heat.
・After preheating, it is a good idea to check that half of the pot is cut off.
・When frying from oil, the video says to start with the largest ones, but the mistake is to start with the smallest ones.
Chara Rinko Time required : 20minutes
Aoi's cafeteria in Okinawa Time required : 45minutes
Tenu Kitchen Time required : 15minutes
syun cooking Time required : 90minutes
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