Cooking expert Ryuji's buzz recipe Time required : 20minutes
Ice cream (Azuki bar) | Transcription of yukap's recipe
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- 低糖質あんこ : 180g
- powder agar : 1g
- 水 : 150-180g
- 塩 : 少々
Time required
Add water to the low sugar anko and heat in the microwave at 600W for 1 minute.
Add powdered agar and mix well.
Heat in the microwave at 600W for 2 minutes.
Mix well so as not to crush the azuki beans and add salt.
Heat in the microwave at 600W for 1 minute. -
Chill in the freezer for about 5 hours to overnight.
Remove from the mold and serve on a plate.
・Instead of low-sugar red bean paste, you can use commercially available canned azuki beans or packs, but use low-sugar ones as much as possible.
・The richness of the taste of the azuki bar changes depending on the amount of water added.
・When powdered agar is added to a warm liquid, it tends to form lumps, so be careful and mix well.
・Be careful not to crush the adzuki beans when mixing.
・After pouring it into the mold, let it cool down a little and then stick a wooden stick in it to stabilize it.
・Using a wooden stick makes it look more like a commercial product and gives it a real feel.
・When removing the azuki bar from the mold, it will be easier to remove from the mold if it is run under running water.
・Pour the leftover adzuki bean dough into a circular mold and chill in the refrigerator to make mizuyokan.
・You can make a condensed milk azuki bar-style arrangement using milk (video 5:42-).
Cooking expert Ryuji's buzz recipe Time required : 15minutes
和菓子お兄さん【タダヒロのお菓子作り】 Time required : 15minutes
Cooking expert Ryuji's buzz recipe Time required : 105minutes
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