Evening cafeteria Time required : 85minutes
クラムチャウダー(あさりのクラムチャウダー)|料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単レシピ / Yukari's Kitchen さんのレシピ書き起こし
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- salt : 1 teaspoon
- frozen clams : 150g
- じゃがいも : 1個
- Carrot : 1/3本
- 玉ねぎ : 1/2個
- しめじ : 80g
- にんにく : 1片
- ベーコン : 4枚
- オリーブオイル : 大さじ1/2
- 酒 : 大さじ2
- 薄力粉 : 大さじ2と1/2
- Water (for stew) : 300ml
- 顆粒コンソメ : 小さじ1
- 牛乳 : 500ml
- 粉チーズ : 大さじ1
- 味噌 : 小さじ1/2
- Salted butter (for frying) : 7.5g
- 有塩バター(仕上げ用) : 7.5g
Time required
Thaw frozen clams
Fill a bowl with water (not listed).
Add salt and mix.
Add frozen clams and let thaw. -
Prepare the ingredients
Peel the potatoes and remove the sprouts. After cutting the potatoes into 1cm cubes, place them in a bowl filled with water (not listed in ingredients) for 5 minutes to remove any scum.
Peel the carrots and cut them into 7cm cubes.
Cut the onion into 1cm cubes.
Cut the shimeji mushrooms into 1cm wide pieces.
Cut the garlic in half, remove the sprouts, and finely chop.
After layering the bacon, cut it into 1cm-wide pieces, then loosen them so that there are no overlaps. -
Prepare frozen clams
Wash thawed frozen clams with water.
After draining the clams in a colander, spread the frozen clams on kitchen paper.
Place another piece of kitchen paper on top and press it with your hand to remove moisture.
Cut 1/3 of the frozen clams in half. -
drain potatoes
Drain the potatoes from step 2.
Wipe off moisture with kitchen paper. -
Add olive oil and garlic to a frying pan and heat over medium heat until the garlic is fragrant.
Add bacon and fry until browned.
Add the carrots and potatoes, and when the potatoes become translucent, add the onions and shimeji mushrooms and stir-fry.
Add salted butter (for stir-frying), and when the onions become transparent, add sake and stir-fry for 1 minute.
Add the frozen clams cut in half from step 3 and fry for 40 seconds until the water evaporates.
Stop the fire. -
Sift in the flour and mix it all together.
Put it back on the fire.
Heat for 30 seconds while stirring, then add water (for simmering) little by little.
Once it is blended, turn off the heat.
Add the granulated consommé and remaining frozen clams.
Heat over low-medium heat for 3 minutes while stirring.
Add milk little by little and mix.
Add grated cheese and mix. -
dissolve miso
Prepare miso in a separate container, scoop out a small amount of 6, and dissolve the miso.
Heat over medium heat while stirring, and turn off the heat when the water surface near the surface of the pot begins to shake.
Add 7 and salted butter (for finishing) and mix. -
・I use sliced bacon, but you can also use thickly sliced bacon.
・When thawing frozen clams, add 500ml of water (not listed) to the bowl.
- Thawing frozen clams in salt water will improve the condition of the clams.
・The estimated time for thawing frozen clams is 15 minutes, but this varies depending on the season.
・In step 3, by cutting some of the frozen clams in half, you can bring out the flavor of the frozen clams in the soup.
・When finishing, add salt and pepper (not listed) to taste.
・The amount is enough for 5 to 6 people.
あさごはんチャンネル Time required : 5minutes
Round kitchen Time required : 30minutes
coris cooking Time required : 45minutes
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