Low-carb restaurant / masa Time required : 7minutes
お気に入りに追加- Number of Subscribers
- 66.7万人
- Number of View
- 1.1億回
- Number of Videos
- 900本
- とうもろこし : 1本
- ご飯 : 600g
- 長ねぎ : 適量
- にんにく : 1片
- バター : 30g
- (A) Salt : 少々
- (A)こしょう : 少々
- (A) Ramen soup : 小さじ2
- (A) Alcohol : 大さじ2
- Yukari Furikake : お好みで
Time required
make preparations
Cut the corn into quarters and remove the kernels.
Slice the garlic.
Finely chop the green onions. -
stir fry
Light the frying pan and add the butter.
Add green onions and garlic and fry.
When the aroma comes out, add the corn and stir-fry some more.
Add rice and stir-fry, then add (A) and stir-fry.
Serve and complete.
・Use the green part of the green onion.
・Soaking garlic in water (not listed in ingredients) will make it easier to peel the skin.
-If you don't have ramen soup, you can use soy sauce instead.
・To remove kernels from corn, insert a knife lengthwise and take out a row. From there, peel it horizontally.
・When adding pepper in step 2, you can add as much pepper as you like.
・Sprinkle Yukari furikake as you like.
Who horse [cooking expert] Time required : 50minutes
coris cooking Time required : 50minutes
ギャル曽根公式チャンネル「ごはんは残さず食べましょう」 Time required : 30minutes
Baba Rice <Robert> Baba's Kitchen Time required : 30minutes
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