cook kafemaru Time required : 10minutes
Fried rice (oatmeal fried rice) | Oatmeal rice diet recipe that lost 40 kg Recipe transcription of [Korezo]
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- oatmeal : 90g
- 水 : 150ml
- サラダ油 : 大さじ1
- 鶏ガラスープの素 : 小さじ2
- 醤油 : 小さじ1/3
- 卵 : 2個
- 小ネギ : 3 tablespoons
- 粗挽き胡椒 : 少々
- Sesame oil (pre-order) : 大さじ1
- ご飯 : 丼1杯
- 白だし : 大さじ1
- Sesame oil (for finishing) : 大さじ1
Time required
Prepare the oatmeal
Pour oatmeal into a container.
Sprinkle water.
Heat in the microwave at 500W for 3 minutes. -
stir fry
Heat a frying pan and add salad oil.
Add 1 and stir.
Beat the eggs.
Add chicken stock and soy sauce and stir-fry.
Add the beaten eggs and stir.
Add small green onions, sesame oil (for pre-mixing), and coarsely ground pepper and stir-fry.
Add the rice and white soup stock and stir to combine.
Turn off the heat, add sesame oil (for finishing) and mix.
・Recipes for fried rice that can be frozen using oatmeal.
・Amount for 3 people.
・Calorie is approximately 399kcal.
・Use white rice.
-This recipe is perfect for those who don't like oatmeal because it includes rice.
・When adding sesame oil (for finishing), turn off the heat before adding to add aroma.
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