Ken Outdoor Cooking Time required : 50minutes
Steamed dish (chicken breast steamed with ginger) | Hisako Okuzono's daily recipe [Home Cooking Expert Official Channel] Recipe transcription
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- chicken breast : 1 sheet
- Salt (for seasoning) : 小さじ1/2
- 片栗粉 : 大さじ1
- オリーブオイル : 大さじ1
- 水 : 200ml
- 塩 : 小さじ1/4
- 生姜 : 1かけ
Time required
Prepare the chicken breasts
Remove the skin from the chicken breast, cut it into sticks, cut into bite-sized pieces, and put them in a bag.
Add salt (for seasoning), potato starch, and olive oil in that order and mix together. -
Prepare the ginger
Slice the ginger into thin slices.
Add water, ginger, and salt (for steaming) to a frying pan, heat, and cover until it boils.
Turn off the heat and add 2.
Cover and heat over high heat until it boils.
Steam for 2 minutes over medium-low heat.
Turn the whole thing over, cover with a lid, turn off the heat and leave for 2 minutes to complete.
・If using frozen chicken breast, thaw it before use. In that case, mix it up and use it.
・Adjust the amount of ginger to your preference.
・If you want to save it, save it with the steamed juice.
・Can be stored in the refrigerator for 4 to 5 days.
・You can arrange it by adding it to a salad.
・You can eat it with mayonnaise.
・You can use the steamed juice for chicken soup.
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