Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 25minutes
Pate de corned beef | Recipes transcribed by cooking researcher Ryuji's Buzz Recipe
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- Corned beef : 1 can (80g)
- butter : 25g
- Black pepper : Appropriate amount
- salt : About 1/5 teaspoon
- Dried parsley : Appropriate amount
- Bread (cut into 8 pieces) : 1 sheet
Time required
Heat the corned beef
Put the corned beef in a heat-resistant container and heat it in the microwave for 1 minute at 600w without wrapping it. While waiting, cut the butter.
Add butter and heat
When 1 is made, put the cut butter in it and heat it in the microwave for 30 seconds at 600w without wrapping.
When 2 is made, loosen it with a rubber spatula and mix until the butter is completely melted.
Add pepper and salt, mix and put in a mold. -
Bake the garnish bread
When toasted until both eyes of the bread are browned, divide into 4 equal parts.
Place the corned beef and toasted bread from 3 on a plate and sprinkle with dried parsley if you like.
・ When corned beef is heated well, it becomes fluffy.
・ Pepper goes well with butter, so add three times as much as you think.
・ You can eat it even if you store it in the refrigerator.
・ You can eat deliciously even at room temperature without cooling.
・ Recommended as a snack for wine.
・ Recommended to eat as it is or to combine with crackers.
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