kattyanneru Time required : 15minutes
Hashed Potatoes (Hashed Potatoes with Cheese Sauce) | Easy recipe at home by culinary expert Kari / Yukari's Kitchen's recipe transcription
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- potato : 400g
- 玉ねぎ : 1/4個
- (B) Potato starch : 大さじ3
- (B) Salt : 小さじ1
- 揚げ油 : 適量
- (A)とろけるチーズ : 50g
- (A)牛乳 : 50ml
- (A)砂糖 : 小さじ1/2
- (A)有塩バター : 5g
- 薄力粉 : 小さじ1
Time required
make cheese sauce
Put (A) into a heat-resistant bowl.
Create an opening for air and lightly wrap it in plastic wrap.
Heat in the microwave at 600W for 1 minute.
Using a whisk, mix well to melt the cheese.
Sift in the flour and mix well.
Cover with plastic wrap and heat in the microwave at 600W for 1 minute.
mix well.
Cover with plastic wrap and heat in the microwave at 600W for 30 seconds.
mix well. -
Prepare the ingredients
Peel the potatoes and remove the sprouts.
After slicing it, cut it into strips and put it in a bowl.
Slice the onion thinly, cutting through the fibers, then roughly chop and add to the bowl.
Create an opening for air and cover with plastic wrap.
Heat in the microwave at 600W for 3 minutes.
Remove the plastic wrap, mix well, then add (B) and mix even more. -
Place the walnuts on plastic wrap as large as you want to make 2, and shape into a 1cm thick rectangle.
Shape the remaining ingredients in the same way. -
Add 1cm of frying oil from the bottom of the frying pan.
Add step 4 immediately after heating.
Fry for about 5 minutes over medium heat, then flip.
Fry for another 5 minutes, turning over.
Once both sides are browned, remove them to a baking tray.
Drain for 3 minutes. -
・Ingredients are enough for 4 to 5 pieces.
・The cheese sauce will get a little hard over time, so if it gets hard, you can warm it up in the microwave.
- Potatoes discolor easily, so cut them quickly.
・Do not expose cut potatoes to water.
・In step 3, harden the ingredients well and shape them so there are no gaps.
・By frying the potatoes when the oil is at room temperature, the sweetness of the potatoes increases.
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