Low-carb restaurant / masa Time required : 15minutes
Baked food (egg and cabbage bake) | Easy recipes for cooking expert Yukari at home / Recipe transcription by Yukari's Kitchen
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- cabbage : 200g
- 卵 : 2個
- 天かす : 10g
- 紅生姜 : 10g
- 小エビ : 1g
- 小ネギ : 1本
- サラダ油 : 適量
- 水 : 100ml
- Cake flour (for cabbage) : 大さじ1
- (A) Weak flour (for dough) : 50g
- (A) Dashi stock : 小さじ1
- お好みソース : 適量
- 青のり : 適量
Time required
Make the dough
Put (A) into a bowl.
Add the water and mix well with a whisk.
Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and chill in the refrigerator. -
Cut the cabbage
Remove the core of the cabbage and shred it.
Place in a colander and rinse with water (not included in the recipe).
Drain the water well and wipe off any excess water with kitchen paper.
Sprinkle with plain flour (for cabbage).
Mix with your hands to thoroughly coat the cabbage in the flour. -
Chop the spring onions and pickled ginger
Chop the green onions into small pieces.
Chop the pickled ginger into chunks. -
Add salad oil to a frying pan and spread it out.
Heat the frying pan over medium heat for 30 seconds.
Add half of 1 and spread on the frying pan.
Reduce heat to low.
Add half the cabbage.
Make a hole in the centre of the cabbage and crack an egg into it.
Sprinkle tempura scraps, shrimp, and ingredients 3 on top and cover the frying pan.
Bake for about 5 minutes.
Flip it over.
Press lightly with a rubber spatula until the eggs are mashed.
Bake for about 2 minutes until browned.
Flip it over and turn off the heat. -
Pour your favorite sauce on top of 4.
Using a rubber spatula, make a slit down the center and fold in half. -
Place 5 on a plate, spread your favorite sauce over the entire surface, sprinkle with nori seaweed and finish.
・The ingredients are for two people.
- You can put the dough in the refrigerator while you cut and prepare the ingredients.
- By coating washed cabbage with flour, it will keep its shape better when cooked.
- Putting the dough in the refrigerator allows the flour and moisture to mix well, improving the final texture.
Repeat steps 4 to 6 to bake another piece.
-It's also delicious with melted cheese inside.
・You can choose your favorite toppings.
Tenu Kitchen Time required : 20minutes
Pâtissier Yuki Uchida【パティシエゆうきのお菓子教室】 Time required : 60minutes
Oyatsu Lab. [Snack Lab] Time required : 50minutes
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