Cheerful mom kitchen Time required : 20minutes
Curry (Tomato Keema Curry) | TAKIMAKI Channel / Takizawa Makiko Official's recipe transcription
お気に入りに追加- Number of Subscribers
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- 1.1億回
- Number of Videos
- 219本
- ホールトマト缶 : 2缶
- (A) Onion : 2個
- (A) Carrot (small) : 4 bottles
- (A) Garlic : 1/4個
- (A) Ginger : 1/2個
- (A) Celery : 2本
- 蒸し大豆 : 1袋(約100g)
- 蒸しひよこ豆 : 1袋(約85g)
- 豚ももひき肉 : 600g
- カレールー(辛口) : 適量
- (B) Salt and pepper : 適量
- (B) Garam Masala : 適量
- (B) Oregano : 適量
- 野菜だし : 8g
- 水 : Approximately 800ml
- パルメザンチーズ : 適量
- オリーブオイル : 適量
Time required
Do the preparations
Chop all the vegetables (A) into bite-sized chunks and then roughly chop them using a chopper.
Transfer the coarsely chopped vegetables to a bowl. -
stir fry
Heat olive oil in a pan and add the ground pork and fry.
When the pork mince is cooked, add the vegetables from step 1 and (B) and stir fry.
Add the can of whole tomatoes and vegetable stock, and mix while crushing the tomatoes.
Add water, cover and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. -
Finishing touches
Add steamed soybeans and steamed chickpeas to 2.
Taste and add the amount of curry roux you like to adjust the seasoning.
Serve the curry in a bowl and top with Parmesan cheese if desired.
If you don't have a chopper, chop it finely with a knife.
・Chop the garlic and ginger into fine pieces.
・We recommend eating it with naan.
-It uses a lot of vegetables and doesn't use much water, making it a very nutritious curry.
-When stewing, if you have it, we recommend adding dried bay leaves to eliminate the meat's odor.
・If you don't have vegetable stock, you can use consommé.
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