Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 60minutes
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- beef : 200g
- トマト : 1 piece
- 玉ねぎ : 1/2 piece
- ピーマン : 2 pieces
- ポテトフライ : 適量
- (A) Soy sauce : 適量
- (A) Alcohol : 適量
- (A) Grated garlic : 適量
- (A)サラダ油 : 適量
- (A)胡椒 : 適量
- (B)バルサミコ酢 : 適量
- (B)酒 : 適量
- (B)醤油 : 適量
- (B)砂糖 : 適量
- ご飯 : 1人前
- 酒溶き片栗粉 : 適量
Time required
Do the preparations
Cut the peppers in half, remove the seeds and stems, and cut into bite-sized pieces.
Remove the stems from the onions and cut them into bite-sized pieces.
Cut the tomatoes into bite-sized pieces.
Cut the beef into thick slices against the grain.
Place the beef in a bowl and add (A) and rub together. -
Fry the potato fries in hot oil (not included in the recipe).
Heat a frying pan.
Add salad oil (not included in the recipe) to a frying pan.
Add the beef from step 1 and stir fry.
Add the onions and peppers and sauté.
Remove the French fries from the oil (not included in the recipe) and sprinkle with salt (not included in the recipe).
Add (B) and tomatoes to a frying pan and fry.
Add the potato starch dissolved in sake to thicken. -
Pour 2 over the rice.
Finished with fried potato fries.
Rosamortado is a traditional Peruvian dish made with stir-fried beef and vegetables.
・We use beef thigh blocks.
-Adjust the amount of seasoning to your liking.
・If beef is cooked for too long it will become tough.
・This is the amount for one person.
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