syun cooking Time required : 60minutes
Spinach recipe Stir-fried butter (sautéed) |
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- spinach : 1 bundle (150-200g)
- butter : 5g
- soy sauce : a little
- salt : a little
- Pepper : a little
- Salad oil : a little
Time required
Prepare spinach
Prepare spinach that has been boiled and cut into pieces that are easy to eat.
stir fry
Put the vegetable oil in a frying pan, heat it, and add the butter.
When the butter has melted, add the spinach while loosening it.
Fry quickly while loosening so that the butter blends well over medium heat. -
Season and finish
Add salt and pepper and fry.
Add soy sauce and fry quickly to complete.
・ For spinach, boil it in hot water with a pinch of salt in advance to the desired hardness and squeeze the water.
・ If you use raw spinach, water will come out and the finish will be sticky. Also, the astringent ingredients will come out, so boil it in advance.
・ The point is to cook quickly so that the spinach does not overheat.
・ If the spinach becomes glossy, it is a guide that the butter has become familiar.
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