Yu Sweets Researcher Time required : 25minutes
きゅうりとキャベツの甘酢漬け|Koh Kentetsu Kitchen【料理研究家コウケンテツ公式チャンネル】さんのレシピ書き起こし
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- Cabbage leaves : 100g
- きゅうり : 1本
- 水 : 120ml
- 昆布 : 5cm角
- (A)砂糖 : 大さじ2~3
- (A)酢 : 50ml
- (A)赤唐辛子の小口切り : 1本分
- (A)塩 : 小さじ1
- (A)しょうがのうす切り : 2〜3枚
Time required
Make sweet and sour sauce
Shred the kelp that has been rehydrated with water and put it in a pan.
Add (A) and kelp soup, heat and bring to a boil. -
Cut vegetables
For cabbage, chop the leaves and chop the core.
Drop both ends of the cucumber and cut into slices. -
Mix with sweet and sour sauce
When 1 is boiled, turn off the heat.
Add 2 and mix to mix and remove the heat.
Put it in a storage bag and rub it lightly to remove the air from the bag and let it blend in.
Serve in a bowl.
・ Soak the kelp in water for about 30 minutes in advance.
・ Adding kelp reconstituted juice adds umami and makes it even more delicious.
・ By boiling the sweet and sour sauce once, it becomes a boiling effect.
・ By mixing the vegetables with the residual heat of the sweet and sour sauce, the texture remains moderately.
・ You can enjoy the texture by cutting the cucumber a little thicker.
・ The time required does not include the time to return the kelp.
Koh Kentetsu Kitchen [Cooking expert Koh Kentetsu official channel] Time required : 25minutes
Kuma's limit cafeteria Time required : 20minutes
Cooking expert Ryuji's buzz recipe Time required : 5minutes
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