syun cooking Time required : 20minutes
Soup (Chinese cabbage milk soup) | Genki Mama Kitchen's recipe transcription
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- Olive oil : 2 tablespoons
- ニンニク(粗みじん切り) : 2片
- ベーコン : 適量
- 白菜 : 適量
- Frozen mushroom : Appropriate amount
- 玉ねぎ : 1個
- クレイジーソルト(ハーブソルト)または塩 : 適量
- 白ワイン : 大さじ2
- じゃがいも : 2個
- 水 : 400cc
- 牛乳 : 400cc
- コンソメ顆粒 : 小さじ2
- 黒コショウ : 適量
- 芽キャベツ : 適量
Time required
stir fry
Cut Chinese cabbage and potatoes into bite-sized pieces, and cut onions into 1 cm squares.
Put olive oil and garlic in a pan and light it.
Fry the garlic over low to medium heat, add bacon and increase the heat.
Add the Chinese cabbage core and onions and fry.
When the oil is sprinkled, add the Chinese cabbage leaves and fry.
Add the frozen mixed mushrooms as they are, add the herb salt, and fry.
Add white wine, remove alcohol, add potatoes and mix the whole. -
Put water, milk, and consomme granules in the pot of 1 and bring to a boil to remove the lye.
After removing the lye, reduce it to medium heat and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. -
Adjust the taste
If the taste is light, adjust with crazy salt and black pepper.
Add Brussels sprouts, mix and simmer lightly.
Serve on a plate and lightly sprinkle with black pepper and olive oil (not included in the amount) to complete.
・ Since the garlic is burnt in step 1, do not fry it over high heat from the beginning.
・ Cut Chinese cabbage into bite-sized pieces by making several vertical cuts in the core.
・ When frying, stir-fry the ingredients so that they are coated with oil.
・ Potatoes can be barons or make-ins. Do not expose to water after cutting.
・ Thicken with potato starch.
・ You can adjust the ratio of water and milk to your liking.
・ When simmering, simmer with the surface lightly boiled so that the taste comes out.
・ At first, season it lightly, and then add it after seeing the taste.
・ You do not have to have Brussels sprouts.
・ You can eat a lot of various vegetables by making soup.
・ You can add fresh cream if you like.
syun cooking Time required : 10minutes
cook kafemaru Time required : 8minutes
cook kafemaru Time required : 25minutes
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