syun cooking Time required : 5minutes
Salad (spaghetti salad) | No waste! Transcription of recipes by MAKANAI DOUJYOU
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- パスタ麺 : 適量
- Cucumber : 1/2
- onion : 1/2個
- ツナ缶 : 1缶
- ハム : 適量
- (A) Mayonnaise : About 1/6 of the ingredients
- (A)からし : 少々
- (A)乾燥バジル : 少々
- (A) Black pepper : 少々
- (A)クレイジーソルト(もしくは塩) : 少々
Time required
Boil the pasta
Add hot water to the pot.
Add about 1% salt (outside the amount) of hot water, fold the pasta into about 1/3, and boil it on time. -
Cut off the calyx and astringency with a kitchen knife, cut into thin small pieces of about 1 mm, and put them in a bowl.
Slice the onions in the same way and put them in a bowl containing cucumbers.
Add 1% salt (outside the amount) of cucumber and onion, mix and leave for 1-5 minutes.
In the meantime, chop the ham into small pieces.
Squeeze the water from the cucumbers and onions by hand, add the ham and tuna cans, and mix. -
When the pasta of 1 is boiled, give it to a colander and drain it well.
Put the pasta in the bowl of 2.
Add (A) and mix well.
Completed serving on a plate.
・ Macaroni can be used as a substitute.
・ If the onion is thick, it may feel spicy, so cut it thinly.
・ It does not become watery by removing the water from the cucumber and onion with salt.
・ You do not have to put tuna cans. You can add carrots and apples if you like.
・ Put the tuna can with oil.
・ Be careful of burns when transferring boiled pasta to a colander.
・ People who are not good at mustard and spices (basil and black pepper) do not need to enter.
・ Because there is salt when boiling pasta and salt such as tuna and ham, the last crazy salt can be small.
・ When mixing the seasonings in step 3, mix them while they are still warm. (Because the pasta hardens when cooled)
Freelance chef's room Time required : 15minutes
Low-carb restaurant / masa Time required : 25minutes
Evening cafeteria Time required : 30minutes
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