Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 15minutes
Salad (lettuce salad with fragrant green onion sauce) | Koh Kentetsu Kitchen [Cooking researcher Koukentetsu official channel]
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- 622本
- 長ネギ : 1本
- ごま油 : 100ml
- (A) Garlic : 1かけ
- (A) Soy sauce : 大さじ4
- (A) Sugar : 小さじ1
- (A) Vinegar : 小さじ2
- (A) White sesame seeds : 小さじ2
- レタス : 1/2玉
- しらす : 適量
Time required
Roughly chop the green onions and put them in a frying pan.
Fry the green onions
Add sesame oil and heat over medium heat.
Mix the seasonings from (A) to make a sauce.
When the green onion oil begins to color, turn off the heat and mix it with the sauce while it is still hot. -
Serve lettuce
Take the lettuce core and wash it.
Cut into pieces that are easy to eat and serve on a plate.
Complete with sauce and shirasu.
・ Chop the garlic.
・ Heat the green onions on low medium heat for about 5 minutes until they are colored.
・ Garlic can be replaced with ginger.
・ Adjust the amount of stir-fried green onions to your liking.
・ Sauce can be stored in a bottle.
・ If you crush the lettuce lightly with your palm, you can easily remove the core.
・ Put air between the lettuce.
Oyatsu Lab. [Snack Lab] Time required : 60minutes
Freelance chef's room Time required : 15minutes
Haruan Time required : 60minutes
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