cook kafemaru Time required : 15minutes
Chocolate cake|Transcription of cook kafemaru's recipe
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- Cake flour (for baked flowers) : 150g
- Baking powder (for baked flowers) : 小さじ2(8g)
- 溶かしバター : 20g
- きび砂糖 : 35g
- 卵(L) : 1/2個(30g)
- ベイクドフラワー : 20g
- ココアパウダー(製菓用) : 12g
Time required
Make baked flowers
Spread cooking paper on the top plate and spread the cake flour.
Bake in an oven at 160 ° C for 14 minutes and let cool.
When it has cooled completely, put it in a bag such as a zip lock.
Add baking powder and mix well. -
Make dough
The egg melts.
Put melted butter, millet sugar, and eggs in this order in a bowl and mix well each time.
Add 20g of 1 and cocoa powder and mix further. -
Heat the dough
Put 2 in a mug and wrap it.
Heat in a 600W microwave for 1 minute to 1 minute and 10 seconds.
While warm, take it out of the mug and put it on a plate to complete it.
-Chocolate cake using heat-treated soft flour (baked flower). You can eat it as it is in a mug.
-Since the cake flour has been heat-treated in advance, you do not have to worry too much about the passage of fire in the microwave.
・ The surplus baked flowers can be stored refrigerated. (Use up in 1 month as a guide)
・ Heating in 1 is also possible with a frying pan. Roast for about 3 minutes so as not to burn on low medium heat. When it cools, add baking powder.
・ Granulated sugar can be used as a substitute for millet sugar. Millet sugar has a natural sweetness and makes the dough firm. Granulated sugar has a light texture.
・ When heating the dough in the microwave, heat it for 10 seconds while watching the situation after 1 minute.
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