kattyanneru Time required : 25minutes
Curry rice|Takeshi Takeshima's extreme rice / Kiwami-Meshi's recipe transcription
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- onion : 1/2 piece
- carrot : 1/2
- 薄切り豚バラ肉 : 120g
- ニンニク : 1かけ
- 生姜 : 1かけ
- 塩 : 少々
- 胡椒 : 少々
- (A)豆板醤 : 小さじ1
- (A)カレー粉 : 大さじ1
- 水 : 300cc
- Chicken glass soup base : 大さじ1弱
- (B)砂糖 : 大さじ1/2
- (B)醤油 : 大さじ1
- (B)オイスターソース : 大さじ1弱
- 片栗粉 : 適量
- 福神漬け : 適量
- ザーサイ : 適量
- Sesame oil : 適量
Time required
Prepare the ingredients
Cut the onions into thin slices and the carrots into strips.
Finely chop the garlic and ginger. -
stir fry
Add sesame oil to a frying pan over medium heat and fry ginger and garlic before the oil heats to bring out the aroma.
Fry about 70% of the pork ribs on high heat, add all the ingredients, and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
When the vegetables are a little tender, add (A) over low heat and fry until fragrant. -
Add (B), taste and simmer over high heat for 1-2 minutes.
On low heat, add the potato starch dissolved in the same amount of water little by little to thicken it.
Finally, boil over high heat and turn off the heat. -
・ Cooking made with vegetables in the refrigerator.
・ Carrots can be sliced into round slices, ginkgo slices, or anything as long as they are thin.
・ You don't have to have garlic.
・ When making with curry roux, keep the seasoning to a minimum.
・ If you don't like spicy food, you don't need doubanjiang.
・ Since the onions are not fried in amber this time, (B) you may add more sugar.
・ When using Chinese paste other than chicken glazed soup, 1 teaspoon to 1 teaspoon and 1/2 teaspoon should be used instead.
・ Sesame oil type chili oil goes well with Chinese curry toppings, so you can try it if you like.
Who horse [cooking expert] Time required : 10minutes
Who horse [cooking expert] Time required : 30minutes
kattyanneru Time required : 30minutes
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