Fabio rice Time required : 20minutes

Fabio rice
- Number of Subscribers
- 99.4万人
- Number of View
- 3.5億回
- Number of Videos
- 630本
Hello, this is Chef Fabio ✋
Focusing on Italian food, I am delivering my own hospitality dishes in detail so that you can enjoy authentic taste at home regardless of genre.
My dream and driving force is to expand the outlook on life of the people who have been involved with me through cooking, and to increase the smiles of your family, lovers, and loved ones.
Career 👨🍳
Study abroad in Italy from 16 years old. Acquired AISO Olive Oil Sommelier, which was established in Rome at the age of 19.
From the age of 20, he trained from popular restaurants in Germany and Italy to restaurants with stars for 6 years, and contributed to earning stars as a department chef at restaurants that have not yet been starred, and returned to Japan.
Currently, he is working peacefully regardless of location, such as YouTube, media activities, product development and recipe provision.
Book 📚
"Fabio's Special Pasta" (Natsumesha)
"Fabio-style classic home rice" (PHP Institute)
"Fabio's meat dish that is extremely hot" (Natsumesha)
◆ AISO Olive Oil Sommelier certified by Rome, Italy ◆ Languages: Japanese, Italian, English, German
CIao ragazzi !!
Sono un cuoco ed un chef giapponese che vive in Giappone a Tokyo.
Su questo canale cerco di presentare il Lifestyle giapponese e le ricette di cucina che preferisco,
in modo ironico, per poter dare un sorriso alle nostre amiche che gentilmente mi seguono.
Se anche voi avrete il piacere e la pazienza di seguirmi su questo canale, credo che ci divertiremo.
Grazie a tutte.
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① The person in charge will reply to you.
(2) Please note that we may not be able to reply to all of them.
③ We are not currently accepting business trip dishes, so please look forward to it as we are planning one by one 👨🍳
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