Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 15minutes
Peperoncino|Transcription of Shizuru Channel's recipe by Shusaku Toba
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- 158本
- パスタ(1.7mm) : 80g
- にんにく : 1袋
- イタリアンパセリ : 適量
- 鷹の爪 : 1個
- ピュアオリーブオイルエクストラバージンオイル : 適量
- 塩(茹でる用) : 適量
Time required
prep the garlic
Cut the garlic in half and remove the core.
Add enough pure olive oil to cover the garlic and heat over high heat.
When bubbles appear, reduce the heat to low and fry until the surface is golden brown and the inside is soft to make a confit.
Slice the remaining garlic and remove the core with a toothpick.
When the garlic in 1 turns golden brown, turn off the heat. -
start boiling the pasta
Start boiling the pasta.
Place the sliced garlic and halved hawk's claws in a frying pan and add 1.5 tbsp of olive oil. -
With 5 minutes remaining in the boiling time, heat the frying pan from Step 2 over high heat, and when bubbles form, reduce the heat to low.
Chop the Italian parsley for the remaining 2 minutes of cooking time.
Add the confit from step 1 with 30 seconds remaining in the boiling time.
With 15 seconds remaining in the boiling time, increase the heat to high, and add the Italian parsley and the boiling water 5 seconds before the end of the boil.
Add the cooked pasta and stir quickly.
Add extra virgin oil and serve on a plate to complete.
・In the video, garlic from Aomori Prefecture is used.
・The hawk's claw uses peperoncino piccolo.
・Cut about 80% of a bag of garlic in half. Slice the rest.
・The amount of salt when boiling pasta should be 1% of the amount of water.
・Boil the pasta for 8 minutes and 40 seconds.
Boil the pasta slightly softer than al dente.
・Finish so that the oil will be completed in 15 seconds remaining in the boiling time.
・Do not mix the pasta and oil too much.
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