Cooking Time required : 20minutes
Corn Cream Pasta|Ken's Househusband's Camp Meal Channel / Ken Outdoor Cooking's Recipe Transcription
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- 531本
- pasta : 100g
- 水 : 300ml
- (A)牛乳 : 50ml
- (A)コーンポタージュスープの素 : 1袋
- (A)卵黄 : 1個
- (A)パルメザンチーズ : 大さじ2
- 塩 : 少々
Time required
make rehydrated pasta
Place pasta and water in an airtight container.
Squeeze out the air, close the mouth, and let it sit for at least 2 hours. -
make the sauce
Put (A) in a container and mix.
heat up
Add 1 reconstituted juice and salt to a frying pan.
Bring to a boil over medium heat.
Add the pasta from step 1 and heat for about 3 minutes while mixing.
Turn off the heat when the water is gone.
Add 2 and mix.
Sprinkle black pepper (not listed) to complete.
・Recipe for corn cream pasta made using corn potage soup base.
・Cooking time can be shortened by using rehydrated pasta.
・The time required for the process of 1 for more than 2 hours is not included in the required time.
・In step 1, you can leave it overnight.
・In step 3, adjust the hardness of the pasta to your liking.
・Use black pepper (not listed) as you like.
・You can feel the sweetness of the corn, and it is a product that children will love.
syun cooking Time required : 20minutes
Shizuru Channel Time required : 5minutes
あさごはんチャンネル Time required : 15minutes
Kuma's limit cafeteria Time required : 50minutes
Hotel de Mikuni Time required : 15minutes
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