Round kitchen Time required : 50minutes
Cinnamon Sugar Fried Bread | Easy recipe at home related to culinary researcher / Transcript of recipe by Yukari's Kitchen
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- bread ears : moderate amount
- 揚げ油 : 適量
- (A) Cinnamon powder : 小さじ1
- (A)グラニュー糖 : 大さじ1
Time required
fry the bread crust
Add about 1 cm of oil to the bottom of a frying pan and heat to 180 degrees.
Add the crusts of the bread and fry for 1 minute and 30 seconds while flipping over.
Transfer the fried ones to a tray, etc., and let them sit for about 3 minutes to drain the oil. -
make topping powder
Set a plastic bag in a bowl, add (A) and mix.
Put the bread crusts from step 1 into the plastic bag from step 2, fill with air, close the bag, shake it, and sprinkle with the topping powder.
Completed on a plate.
・Since it will be the amount of 16 bread crusts (4 slices of bread), it is good to adjust the amount of topping powder according to the amount of bread crusts.
・In step 1, you can roll the crust from the edge and fix it with a toothpick before frying.
・In step 3, season the bread while the crusts are still warm so that they blend well.
・The topping powder can be arranged with kinako flavor (1 tablespoon of soybean flour, 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar) or matcha flavor (1 teaspoon of matcha powder, 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar).
Kuma's limit cafeteria Time required : 20minutes
cook kafemaru Time required : 10minutes
cook kafemaru Time required : 25minutes
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