Cooking Time required : 5minutes
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- kidney beans : 300g
- 合い挽き肉 : 300g
- (A) Onion (chopped) : 1個
- (A) Garlic (chopped) : 2片
- 赤ワイン : 100cc
- トマト缶 : 1 (400g)
- (B) chili powder : 大さじ1と1/2
- (B) paprika powder : 小さじ1
- 塩 : 適量
- black pepper : 適量
- coriander (topping) : as you like
- cheese (topping) : as you like
- baguette (topping) : as you like
Time required
Heat a frying pan over high heat, add the minced meat without oil, and fry.
Lightly salt and pepper.
Fry until the red part is completely gone while crushing the chunks of meat.
Add (A) and stir fry.
Add (B) and stir fry.
Fry until the onions turn brown.
Add red wine, canned tomatoes and kidney beans, mix and bring to a boil.
Taste and adjust to taste with salt and pepper.
Cover and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.
Taste for the last time, season with salt and pepper to your liking, and turn off the heat. -
Serve 2 in a bowl, top with coriander and cheese, and complete with baguette.
・"Chili con carne" is a local dish in Texas, South America.
・For toppings, you can use other toppings you like, such as red onion or lime.
・The point is to stir-fry the minced meat well to completely remove the redness of the meat.
・Fry in minced meat oil.
・Rinse the canned tomatoes with a small amount of water, and you can add the water as well.
・If you add a lot of cheese, it will have a mellow taste.
・Together with red wine from California, USA.
Cooking Time required : 25minutes
식탁일기 table diary Time required : 60minutes
あさごはんチャンネル Time required : 15minutes
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