Bakuba Cook Time required : 60minutes
Mug Gateau Chocolate | Transcription of honey studio's recipe
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- Cake flour : 3 tbsp
- Sweetened cocoa : 3 tbsp
- sugar : 1 tablespoon
- Salad oil : 2 tablespoons
- milk : 4 tbsp
Time required
Mix the ingredients in a mug
Put the flour and sugar in a mug and mix them roughly, then add milk and salad oil and mix further.
Heat in the microwave
Lightly wrap and heat in the microwave (500w for 2 minutes).
Sprinkle sugar to finish
Sprinkle sugar on the finish and it's done.
・ A rich gateau chocolate recipe that you can easily make by simply mixing the ingredients and heating in the microwave.
・ Eggs are not used.
・ If you heat it too much in the microwave, the water will come out and it will become hard, so adjust it by adding 5 seconds each from the raw state.
・ Judgment as to whether or not the dough is burnt should be based on whether or not the dough sticks to the dough by sticking a toothpick.
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