Koh Kentetsu Kitchen [Cooking expert Koh Kentetsu official channel] Time required : 20minutes
ポトフ|GeorgeLABOジョージ 城二郎chの人さんのレシピ書き起こし
お気に入りに追加- Number of Subscribers
- 117.0万人
- Number of View
- 3.3億回
- Number of Videos
- 616本
- キャベツ : 1/2 piece
- じゃがいも : 3個
- カブ : 3個
- 人参 : 2本
- 玉ねぎ : 1個
- ベーコン : 300g
- ウィンナー : 3本
- ローリエ : 1枚
- ニンニク : 3かけ
- 白ワイン : 150~200ml
- パセリ : 適量
- 粒マスタード : 適量
- 塩 : 適量
- 水 : 適量
Time required
Cut the cabbage lengthwise into quarters leaving the core intact.
Cut the onion in half lengthwise and then into wedges.
Cut one carrot into quarters.
Remove any tough, dirty stems from the turnips and cut in half.
Cut the potatoes in half leaving the skin on.
Cut the bacon into 2cm to 3cm thick slices. -
take the soup stock
Put the vegetable skins and scraps in a pot, add water, bay leaf, and salt, and boil for about 30 minutes.
bake ingredients
Put olive oil in a frying pan and heat it.
Add each of the vegetables from step 1, sprinkle with salt each time, and bake until the whole is browned.
When the vegetables are cooked, cook the bacon and sausage from step 1 until they are browned.
Once cooked, put everything in the pan. -
Peel the garlic clove and cut it in half.
Add olive oil and garlic to a frying pan and sauté.
When the aroma comes out, add white wine, and when it becomes about 1/4 the amount, add it to 3.
Strain 2 with a colander and add to 3.
Cover and simmer for 30-40 minutes, then drizzle with olive oil if desired.
Serve on a plate, sprinkle with parsley, and complete with mustard.
・When adding dashi, I used only water this time, but if you like, you can add a small amount of chicken bouillon to make it easier to decide the taste.
・Baking the vegetables makes it easier to bring out the aroma and sweetness of the vegetables.
・When grilling vegetables, it is better to grill one type at a time as much as possible to make it easier to control the browning.
・You can use chicken, pork, or beef for the meat, but if you don't use beef shanks or tails, it will be difficult to get the broth out of the soup, so the meat and chicken used this time are recommended because the taste will be easier to decide.
・Because the vegetables will release water in the dashi stock in the pot, it should be about 2/3 soaked.
syun cooking Time required : 60minutes
Oyatsu Lab. [Snack Lab] Time required : 50minutes
Freelance chef's room Time required : 15minutes
Haruan Time required : 35minutes
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