cook kafemaru Time required : 20minutes
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- coffee milk : 800ml
- クリームチーズ : 200g
- 粉ゼラチン : 10g
Time required
knead the cream cheese
Place the cream cheese in a bowl and knead with a rubber spatula until creamy.
make the dough
Take 100ml of the remaining coffee milk, add powdered gelatin and mix.
Heat in the microwave at 600W for 1 minute.
Add the remaining coffee milk and mix.
Add 2 or 3 times to the cream cheese from 1 and mix each time.
Put it back in the milk carton.
Close the lid and chill in the refrigerator for 3 hours. -
Make a cut in one place of the milk carton and take it out.
Complete by cutting to your desired size.
・Coffee milk can be made in the amount you like.
・If you want to finish it hard, you can change the amount of coffee milk to 500ml.
-Bring the cream cheese to room temperature. If it has not returned to room temperature, put it in a heat-resistant container and heat it in the microwave at 600W for 30 seconds.
・If you like it sweeter, add 20g of sugar.
・If the powdered gelatin does not completely dissolve, heat it in the microwave for an additional 10 seconds.
・Chilling time in the refrigerator for 3 hours is not included in the required time.
・In the video, 200ml is removed from 1000ml of coffee milk to make 800ml.
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