식탁일기 table diary Time required : 15minutes
チョコレート(生チョコレート)|TARO ROOMCAFEさんのレシピ書き起こし
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- milk : 3 tablespoons
- チョコレート : 100g
- ココアパウダー : 適量
Time required
make raw chocolate
Put the milk in a heat-resistant bowl and heat it in a 600w microwave for about 20 seconds.
Put the chocolate in a heat-resistant bowl and heat it in a 600w microwave for about 1 minute.
Mix and melt the chocolate.
Add 1 tablespoon of warmed milk in 3 batches, mixing each time.
Flatten the surface and chill in the refrigerator for 3 hours. -
Round 1 to the size of a 500 yen coin.
Sprinkle with cocoa powder and serve on a plate to complete.
Warming the milk makes it easier to mix with the cold chocolate.
・When warming the milk, be careful not to boil it. Remove the film if possible.
・If the chocolate hardens too much, heat it in a 200w microwave for 10 seconds at a time.
・When rolling the chocolate, it is recommended to wear gloves as the temperature of your hands will melt it.
・In addition to cocoa powder, you can also coat with chocolate.
あさごはんチャンネル Time required : 8minutes
Cooking Time required : 10minutes
cook kafemaru Time required : 40minutes
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