Kuma's limit cafeteria Time required : 45minutes
パスタ(ブロッコリーとベーコンのクリームパスタ)|てぬキッチン/Tenu Kitchenさんのレシピ書き起こし
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- パスタ : 100g
- ブロッコリー : 50g
- ハーフベーコン : 2枚
- バター : 10g
- 小麦粉 : 大さじ1/2
- (A) water : 250cc
- (A) Milk : 250cc
- (A) Consomme granules : 小さじ2
- 粉チーズ : 大さじ2
- 塩 : 少々
- ブラックペッパー : 少々
Time required
stir fry
Cut the broccoli into small pieces and add to the skillet.
Cut bacon into 2mm width and add.
Add butter and fry over medium heat.
When it is browned, reduce the heat to low and add the flour and stir fry. -
Add (A) to 1, mix well, and simmer over medium heat.
Once boiling, fold the pasta in half and simmer for 6 minutes while stirring.
Add grated cheese and salt in that order, and mix each time.
Place on a plate, sprinkle with grated cheese (not listed) and black pepper to complete.
・Enter the amount for one person.
・Use pasta that has been boiled for 5 minutes.
・It can be made in a short time with a single frying pan in a simple process.
・In step 2, mix the pasta so that it does not stick.
・In step 2, boil the pasta to your desired firmness, then add salt to adjust the taste.
Cooking class Bon-chan Time required : 25minutes
Cooking class Bon-chan Time required : 20minutes
Cooking expert Ryuji's buzz recipe Time required : 15minutes
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