KAZUAKI EGUCHI / チョコレートのプロ:ショコラティエ Chocolate Time required : 7minutes
Ebi chili (shrimp oil shrimp chili) | George George's recipe transcription
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- black Tiger : 15 tails
- (A)塩 : 適量
- (A)片栗粉 : 適量
- (A)水 : 少量
- 塩胡椒 : 適量
- トマト : 1個
- ニンニク : 1片
- 生姜 : 15g
- spring onion (white part) : 1/2本
- 卵白 : 1個
- 豆板醬 : 小さじ1
- ケチャップ : 大さじ1
- (B) Chicken bouillon : 少々
- (B)魚醤 : 小さじ1
- (B) sugar : 少々
- (B) lemon juice : 小さじ1
- 片栗粉 : 適量
- ラー油 : 小さじ1
- 油 : 適量
- 生姜(海老油用) : 適量
- 長ネギ(青い部分) : 1/2本
- 七味唐辛子 : 適量
Time required
wash black tiger stains
Remove the black tiger's shell and spine.
Keep the shell and do not throw it away.
Rub (A) into the peeled skin, and if it gets dirty, wash it off with running water.
Wipe off the water and season with salt and pepper. -
Prepare the black tiger
Rub to coat the egg white on 1.
Rub a pinch of potato starch (not listed) and put it in the refrigerator. -
make shrimp oil
Cut the leek (green part) and ginger (for shrimp oil) into appropriate sizes and fry in a large amount of oil over medium heat.
When the aroma comes out, add 1 husks.
Add oil so that half of the whole is submerged, and when the shrimp smells, strain it with a colander. -
cut material
Finely chop the garlic, ginger, and green onion (white part).
Remove the core from the tomato and cut it into 8 pieces. Season with a pinch of salt (not listed). -
bake 2
Rub shichimi pepper into 2 and sprinkle potato starch all over.
Put 3 in a frying pan and bake the black tiger on medium heat. Add 3 as appropriate.
Remove when browned. -
make the sauce
Without washing the frying pan, add the bean paste, garlic, ginger, and 3, and fry over low to medium heat.
Add ketchup, evaporate and add tomatoes.
When the tomatoes become soft, add (B) and fry. -
put 5 back
Put 5 back in, add green onion (white part) and mix.
To finish, sprinkle 3 and chili oil on top and serve on a plate to complete.
・If there is water on the shrimp shell, the oil will splatter, so wipe it off.
・By sprinkling potato starch on the black tiger before grilling, the sauce will stick to it more easily.
・Baking the black tiger in shrimp oil enhances the flavor.
・Chicken bouillon can be substituted with chicken broth.
・After serving on a plate, you can add shichimi chili pepper if you like.
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