Bakuba Cook Time required : 60minutes
Stir-fry (deep-fried tofu and egg with chili sauce) | Recipe transcription by Meal Challenge!
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- Fried tofu : 1 pack
- 豚挽肉 : 120g
- 卵 : 2個
- 長ネギ : 1/2本
- 生姜 : 1片
- ニンニク : 1片
- 豆板醤 : 小さじ2
- 水 : 150cc
- (A) Ketchup : 大さじ6
- (A)Chinese soup base : 小さじ1
- (A) Sugar : 大さじ1と1/2
- (A)Vinegar : 小さじ1
- Sake dissolved potato starch : 少量
Time required
make preparations
Cut the fried tofu in half, then cut into easy-to-eat pieces about 1.5cm wide.
Slice the green onion diagonally.
Slice the garlic.
Finely chop the ginger.
Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat them well. -
stir fry
When the frying pan is hot, add oil (not listed), add ginger, garlic, and bean sauce and stir-fry.
Add ground pork and fry until heated through.
Add water and mix gently.
Add (A) and mix.
Add the fried tofu from step 1 and stir-fry.
Add sake dissolved potato starch and mix.
Stir in the egg from step 1, add the green onion, and mix the ingredients gently. -
Finish by placing on a plate.
・Atsuage does not need to be processed to remove oil.
・We use 2 pieces of fried tofu per pack.
・You can use the green part of the green onion without throwing it away.
・You can use ginger with the skin on.
-After adding the seasonings in step 2, taste and adjust the taste.
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