syun cooking Time required : 5minutes
Boiled dish (simmered green onion pork tofu) | Chararinko Cook's recipe transcription
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- Japanese leek : 200g
- 絹豆腐 : 1丁
- しめじ : 60g
- 豚こま肉 : 200g
- 酒 : 大さじ1
- 水 : 1カップ
- Dashi soup pack : 1 bag
- (A)Mirin : 大さじ1
- (A) Soy sauce : 大さじ1/2
Time required
make preparations
Cut half of the green onion diagonally into 1cm wide pieces.
Thinly slice the remaining half of the green onion diagonally.
Cut the silken tofu into cubes.
Cut the pork into bite-sized pieces, wash with hot water (not listed), and drain.
Add pork and sake to a bowl and mix well. -
heat up
Heat a frying pan over medium heat and fry the tofu and green onions cut into 1cm pieces.
Add shimeji mushrooms and stir-fry.
When the ingredients are lightly browned, make a gap in the frying pan, add the pork and fry for about 7 to 8 minutes until cooked through.
Add water and dashi pack.
Add (A) and simmer for 4-5 minutes.
Add thinly sliced green onions, cover for a few seconds, then remove the soup pack. -
・In the video, 200g of green onions are used, but you can use less or more.
・One block of silken tofu uses 300g.
・The temperature of the water used to wash pork should be 40 to 50 degrees.
・Washing the pork meat with hot water will remove the odor.
・If you don't have a dashi pack, you can use 1 teaspoon of Japanese-style dashi stock or granulated dashi stock instead.
kattyanneru Time required : 25minutes
A challenge to sprinkle! Time required : 15minutes
飲食店独立学校 /こうせい校長 Time required : 25minutes
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