Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 15minutes
マロングラッセ|coris cookingさんのレシピ書き起こし
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- chestnut : 15-20 grains
- 水 : 適量
- グラニュー糖 : 適量
- ブランデー : 30g
- バニラオイル : 少々
Time required
make preparations
Peel the outer skin and astringent skin of the chestnuts.
Wrap each chestnut tightly in gauze and secure with string. -
Place the chestnuts in a pot and add a little more water to cover them. Weigh the water you added at this time.
Heat over low to medium heat, and once it comes to a gentle boil, reduce the heat to a simmer, cover, and simmer slowly for about 1 hour and 40 minutes, adding water as needed. -
add granulated sugar
When it's soft enough that a bamboo skewer can easily fit into it, add granulated sugar of the same weight as the water you originally added, and shake it gently to mix it well.
Heat over low heat for 2 minutes, then turn off the heat, cover, and leave for a day. -
Adding granulated sugar for the first time
After a day has passed, add granulated sugar and heat over low to slightly high heat.
Dissolve the granulated sugar remaining at the bottom so as not to damage the chestnuts, and turn off the heat when it is completely melted.
Cover with a lid and leave for a day. -
2nd and 3rd addition of granulated sugar
Add granulated sugar and heat over low heat for 2 minutes while stirring.
Cover with a lid and leave for a day. Do the same thing for the third time. -
4th addition of granulated sugar
Add granulated sugar and heat over low to slightly high heat.
Shake the pot until the remaining granulated sugar at the bottom has dissolved, then turn off the heat.
Cover with a lid and leave for a day. -
5th addition of granulated sugar
When you see that the granulated sugar has crystallized on the surface of the pot, add more granulated sugar and heat until it dissolves.
Cover with a lid and leave for a day. -
After a full day, if the surface becomes crystallized like a thin film, there is no need to add granulated sugar.
Heat over low heat to dissolve the crystallized granulated sugar.
Remove the lid and heat to about 70 degrees, then turn off the heat and add brandy and vanilla oil to give it a fragrance.
Swirl the pot to mix the syrup, cover with a dropper, and let it sit for a day. -
栗をガーゼから外し、網にのせ常温のまま丸一日置き表面を乾燥させる。 -
・Prepare 15cm square pieces of cotton gauze for the number of chestnuts.
・There are many steps that take a whole day to complete, and the video shows it taking 10 days to complete.
・The required time is only for the first day.
・Chestnuts are very fragile and must be handled with great care.
-The amount of additional granulated sugar should be 10% of the granulated sugar added initially.
・The temperature of approximately 70 degrees is so hot that when you touch the syrup, you feel a tingling electricity running through it.
・If the chestnuts break when you take them out of the pot, there is a good chance that they will recover if you let them cool.
- Boiled syrup has a good aroma and high sugar content, so it can be stored. You can strain it through a tea strainer and use it to make pancakes and sweets.
・Can be wrapped in aluminum foil or chocolate foil and stored in the refrigerator. It can be stored for a long time by freezing the whole syrup or deaerating it.
Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 15minutes
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