kattyanneru Time required : 25minutes
Curry (minced pork curry) | No waste! Recipe transcription by MAKANAI DOUJYOU
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- autumn turmeric : 1本
- 玉ねぎ : 1個
- 豚ひき肉 : 500g
- 水 : 2000ml
- カレールー : 適量
- カレー粉 : 適量
- パプリカパウダー : 適量
- チリペッパー : 適量
- basil powder : 適量
- 一味唐辛子 : 適量
- ブラックペッパー : 適量
- ウスターソース : 適量
- ケチャップ : 適量
- 紅ショウガ : 適量
Time required
prepare the food
玉ねぎは皮をむいてヘタと芯を取り除き、みじん切りにする。 -
Heat oil in a frying pan and heat it up.
Add minced pork and fry until completely cooked.
Add grated turmeric and onion and fry until onion is cooked.
Add water and simmer.
When it comes to a boil, add the curry roux and dissolve.
When it thickens, add curry powder, paprika, chili pepper, basil powder, black pepper, and chili pepper, mix well and simmer.
Add Worcestershire sauce and ketchup and simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes. -
Pour it over rice on a plate and add red ginger to complete the dish.
-Autumn turmeric is a spice that gives curry its yellow color, so you can omit it if you can't get it.
・All seasonings are in appropriate amounts, but it is best to taste them and adjust to your liking.
・If you don't like spicy food, you can omit the chili pepper or chili pepper.
・Since the minced pork is stir-fried and then simmered, there is no need to remove the scum.
ホッとケーキさん。 Time required : 40minutes
syun cooking Time required : 20minutes
HidaMari Cooking Time required : 15minutes
Aoi's cafeteria in Okinawa Time required : 60minutes
No waste! Makanai Dojo (MAKANAI DOUJYOU) Time required : 25minutes
Cooking expert Ryuji's buzz recipe Time required : 30minutes
Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 20minutes
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