cook kafemaru Time required : 20minutes
Stir-fry (oyster kimchi) | Recipe transcription by Meal Challenge!
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- Oysters (for heating) : 150g
- キムチ : 100g
- 玉ねぎ : 1/2個
- ニラ : 適量
- 卵 : 2個
- (A)醤油 : 大さじ1
- (A)酒 : 大さじ1
- 酒溶き片栗粉 : 適量
- 塩 : 適量
- コショウ : 適量
Time required
make preparations
Drain the oysters in a colander and wash them with water 3 to 4 times.
Finally, add an appropriate amount of salt (not listed) and massage.
Drain the washed oysters in a colander.
Slice the onions.
Cut the chives into small pieces.
Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat them. -
stir fry
Add oil to a heated frying pan.
When smoke comes out of the frying pan, add the eggs from step 1.
Stir the eggs with a ladle until half-cooked, then remove.
Add oil to a frying pan and fry the oysters over high heat.
Add onions.
When the onions are cooked, add the kimchi and stir-fry. -
season it
Add (A) and sake-dissolved potato starch to step 2.
Season to taste with salt and pepper.
Add the chives and fry lightly.
Add the eggs from step 2 back in and mix to complete.
・When washing oysters, we recommend using a bowl with a colander.
・For vegetables, it is also good to use green onions and garlic sprouts.
・The finished product will be better if you fry the eggs first and then add them back in at the end.
・Adjust the amount of sake-dissolved potato starch depending on the moisture released from the oysters.
・Sake dissolved potato starch is made by dissolving equal amounts of sake and potato starch, and is useful for thickening soupy dishes.
kattyanneru Time required : 30minutes
Round kitchen Time required : 15minutes
apron Time required : 20minutes
ラーメンろたす Time required : 25minutes
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