Evening cafeteria Time required : 10minutes
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- minced pork : 100g
- 白菜 : 3枚(584g)
- にんじん : 19g
- にんにく : 2片(6g)
- 春雨 : 32g
- 万能ねぎ : 適量
- (A)水 : 740ml
- (A)醬油 : 74ml
- (A)みりん : 74ml
- (A)酒 : 37ml
- (A)オイスターソース : 7.4g
- (A)中華万能調味料 : 7.4g
- (A)うま味調味料 : 3振り
- (B)片栗粉 : 大さじ2
- (B)水 : 大さじ4
- ごま油 : 小さじ1/2
Time required
prepare the food
Return the vermicelli to the directions on the package.
Separate the Chinese cabbage into leaves and core.
Cut the core of the Chinese cabbage in half lengthwise and then cut it diagonally crosswise.
Cut the Chinese cabbage leaves into large pieces.
Wash carrots well and wipe dry.
Slice the carrot diagonally into two 1cm thick slices, including the skin.
Cut the carrot in half diagonally again.
Cut the carrot in half horizontally, return it to its original shape and slice it thinly.
Crush the garlic with the back of a knife and roughly chop. -
Make seasoning combinations
Put (A) into a bowl.
Put (B) into another container.
Pour the vermicelli from Step 1 into a colander and drain the water. -
stir fry
Set the frying pan to medium heat and add the oil.
Stir-fry the minced pork.
Add vegetables from step 1 and stir-fry.
Cover with a lid and let it simmer.
When the Chinese cabbage becomes soft, add the seasonings from step 2 and simmer. -
When the Chinese cabbage becomes soft, add the vermicelli and simmer for 2 to 3 minutes.
When the vermicelli becomes soft, add the water-soluble potato starch from step 2 little by little and mix.
When it boils, stir in the sesame oil.
Place in a bowl and sprinkle with chopped green onions to complete.
・In the video, the vermicelli is soaked in warm water.
・While preparing, weigh the ingredients.
・The ratio of seasonings is 10 parts water: soy sauce, 1 part mirin, 0.5 parts sake: oyster sauce, and 0.01 part Chinese all-purpose seasoning, based on the weight of all ingredients.
・When frying, if the meat has a lot of fat, wipe it off with kitchen paper.
・While steaming, stir occasionally to prevent burning.
Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 10minutes
Easy recipe at home related to cooking researcher / Yukari's Kitchen Time required : 20minutes
Cooking expert Ryuji's buzz recipe Time required : 20minutes
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