kattyanneru Time required : 30minutes
クッキー(米粉のアイスボックスクッキー)|syun cookingさんのレシピ書き起こし
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- rice flour : 100g
- Unsalted butter : 60g
- sugar : 30g
Time required
Make the dough
Place the unsalted butter in a bowl and beat until smooth.
Add the sugar and mix until the whole mixture turns white, then add the rice flour and mix until it's just plain powdery.
Gather the dough into one piece, spread out the plastic wrap and place the dough on top.
Shape the dough into a log and chill in the refrigerator for 1 hour. -
アルミホイルを上にかぶせ、1000Wのトースターで15分焼く。 -
Once cooked, remove from the oven and let cool on the baking tray, then arrange on a plate and it's done.
・Make sure to bring the unsalted butter to room temperature beforehand.
・If you add cocoa powder, matcha powder, or black tea leaves, it is a good idea to add 1g for half the mixed dough.
- When shaping the dough, gently roll it on a cutting board to make the surface smooth.
- When cutting the dough, moving the knife back and forth will cause the dough to crumble, so it is best to move the knife straight down from above.
- Once the dough gets too hot it will crumble easily, so cut it quickly after taking it out of the refrigerator.
・If the dough doesn't cook for long enough, heat it for an additional 5 minutes or so while keeping an eye on it.
- The cookies will be soft immediately after baking, so leave them as is to cool them down without touching them.
- Chilling and baking time is not included in the recipe time.
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