Tenu Kitchen Time required : 20minutes
醤油煮(手羽先の醤油煮)|武島たけしの極み飯 / Kiwami-Meshiさんのレシピ書き起こし
お気に入りに追加- Number of Subscribers
- 58.2万人
- Number of View
- 6,049.5万回
- Number of Videos
- 118本
- 手羽先 : 8~12本
- 長ねぎ : 1本
- 生姜 : 1/4片
- 干し椎茸 : 3個
- 水(干し椎茸戻し用) : 200ml
- 醤油(下味用) : 大さじ1.5
- 水 : 300ml
- (A)日本酒 : 大さじ3
- (A)醤油 : 大さじ1.5
- (A)オイスターソース : 大さじ2.5
- (A)砂糖 : 小さじ2
- コショウ : 適量
- 五香粉 : 適量
- 油 : 適量
- 水溶き片栗粉 : 適量
Time required
Do the preparations
Put the dried shiitake mushrooms and water (for rehydrating the dried shiitake mushrooms) in a heat-resistant bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and microwave at 600W for 3 minutes.
Cut the spring onions, including the green parts, into pieces 3-4cm wide.
Thinly slice ginger into 5 to 6 pieces.
Remove the cooked dried shiitake mushrooms.
Separate the dried shiitake mushrooms into stems and caps, slice the stems thinly and the caps thickly. -
Prepare the chicken wings
Cut off the joints of the chicken wings.
Transfer all the cut chicken wings to a bowl and add soy sauce (for seasoning) and let sit to mix.
Add (A) to another bowl and mix. -
Add oil to a hot frying pan and mix well.
Place the chicken wings from step 2 skin side down and brown well on both sides.
Add the vegetables from step 1 and mix well, then add (A), the soaking water of the dried shiitake mushrooms, and water.
Cover with a lid and simmer until the water evaporates.
When the liquid has reduced, adjust the seasoning, turn off the heat, add the water-dissolved potato starch and mix.
Turn the heat back on, sprinkle pepper and five-spice powder to taste, and it's done.
・Regular shiitake mushrooms can also be used to make dried shiitake mushrooms.
・If you use regular shiitake mushrooms, use 400ml of water.
- Save the soaking water from the dried shiitake mushrooms in step 1 to use when stewing.
- When simmering, the amount of water should be 400ml, including the water used to soak the dried shiitake mushrooms.
- Cut off the hard stems of the rehydrated dried shiitake mushrooms.
- Be careful when cutting off the joints of the chicken wings as they are tough.
- Chicken oil will come out of the chicken wings, so you only need to use a small amount of oil.
When the stewing liquid has reduced to about half, taste it and if it is too bland, simmer further; if it is not sweet enough, add more sugar.
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